
By Adok/Hugi

Totem was a chartsmag by the French group Just For Fun. Its only issue is available from (about 760 downloads so far) and works fine with DOSBox.

Totem #1

Totem #1 was released in July 1999. Featuring an engine coded by Cleaner with graphics by Exocet and Bat and music by Benji (all of them members of Just For Fun), Totem #1 is a pure chartsmag - it only consists of an editorial and the charts themselves. In total there have been 67 voters, mainly from France and Poland. Most votesheets were collected more than a year before the release, so the charts reflect more or less the preferences of the sceners in summer 1998.

The whole thing is presented in a simple interface accompanied by strange music. After a tunnel intro with the group logo you get to the main menu, which is controlled with the mouse. On the bottom of the screen some flowers with feet are dancing with the music.

The charts categories: groups, coders, graphicians, musicians, swappers, demos, intros 64kb, music disks, utilities, best/worst parties, best OS, computers, boys bands, movies, food, worst public enemies.

Just for Fun decided not to continue the chartsmag because of lack of motivation. Instead they asked the readers to fill in the votesheet for Heroin #2 by Beyond, which however was never released, either.
